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Speech & Occupational Therapy Specialists
Speech & Occupational Therapy Specialists

We love our patients.​
We love our patients.​
159-A Executive Drive, Danville, VA 24541
159-A Executive Drive, Danville, VA 24541
We receive referrals from:
Duke Medical Center
UVA Hospitals
Carilion - Roanoke
Brenner Children's Hospital
VCU Children's Hospital
SOVAH Health
Feeding Matters
School Divisions
Community Services Boards
We receive referrals from:
Duke Medical Center
UVA Hospitals
Carilion - Roanoke
Brenner Children's Hospital
VCU Children's Hospital
SOVAH Health
Feeding Matters
School Divisions
Community Services Boards
We're here for you from your 1st birthday through your golden years.
We're here for you from your 1st birthday through your golden years.

Children Services
Children Services
- Support with newborn feeding, breast feeding or bottle feeding when there is a latch, sucking, or swallowing problem
- Articulation delay or disorder
- Language delay or disorder
- Stuttering/Fluency disorder
- Voice disorder
- Handwriting skills
- Sensory integration
- Executive function skills
- Bilateral coordination
- Fine motor skills
- Gross motor skills
- Visual perceptual skills
- Augmentative & Alternative Communication
- Social & play skills
- Oral motor development
- Activities of daily living (feeding, hygiene, dressing, medication management, cooking, home safety, organizational skills)
- Caregiver Education & Counseling

Adult Services
Adult Services
- Swallowing and eating difficulties
- Cognitive & memory skills
- Voice disorders
- Language Disorders
- Motor Speech Disorders
- Activities of Daily Living (dressing, feeding, money management, medication management, hygiene, cooking, home safety, home management)
- Executive function skills
- Bilateral coordination
- Stuttering/Fluency disorder
- SpeechEasy
- SpeechEasy PD (Parkinson's)
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Head/neck cancer
- Dementia
- TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
- Fine motor skills
- Gross motor skills
- Visual perceptual skills
- Pill swallowing
- Caregiver Education & Counseling
Why choose a specialty clinic?
Why choose a specialty clinic?
At SOTS, we take special care to keep up with innovative treatment programs, encouraging our therapists to become specialists by receiving training specific to
autism, feeding & swallowing, and literacy.
Our Specialties
Our Specialties

- Picky eating
- Swallowing
- Chewing
- Jaw grading
- Vital Stim
- Talk Tools
- Beckman Oral Motor Protocol
- Oral Sensory Protocol
- Reducing aspiration risk
- Sensory-based feeding approach
- Oral motor development
- Oral sensory development
- Caregiver Education & Counseling

- Reading, Spelling, & Writing
- Handwriting
- Keyboarding
- Visual perceptual skills
- Visual motor integration skills
- Phonemic awareness & ordering sounds
- Eyes on track
- Learning Without Tears
- Fast ForWord family of programs
- Lindamood Bell family of programs (LiPs, On Cloud Nine, Visualizing & Verbalizing)
- Caregiver Education & Counseling

- Sensory integration
- Sensory regulation (Zones of Regulation, ALERT Program)
- Life skills (hygiene, dressing, cooking, feeding, shopping, budgeting, pill management)
- Communication (speech & language)
- Augmentative & Alternative Communication
- Feeding
- Caregiver Education & Counseling
- Home programs for sensory needs
- Social skills
- Adolescent development/puberty

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