Speech & Occupational Therapy Specialists
Speech & Occupational Therapy Specialists

We love our patients.​
We love our patients.​
159-A Executive Drive, Danville, VA 24541
159-A Executive Drive, Danville, VA 24541
We receive referrals from:
Duke Medical Center
UVA Hospitals
Carilion - Roanoke
Brenner Children's Hospital
VCU Children's Hospital
SOVAH Health
Feeding Matters
School Divisions
Community Services Boards
We receive referrals from:
Duke Medical Center
UVA Hospitals
Carilion - Roanoke
Brenner Children's Hospital
VCU Children's Hospital
SOVAH Health
Feeding Matters
School Divisions
Community Services Boards
We're here for you from your 1st birthday
through your golden years.​
We're here for you from your 1st birthday
through your golden years.​
Children Services
Children Services
From the first moment and throughout school age, we offer feeding, speech, and occupational therapies to help your child in each stage of growing.
Adult Services
Adult Services
From a diagnosis, trauma, or difficulty, we offer speech and occupational therapies to help you or your loved one overcome challenges, maintain independence, and improve quality of life.
What do patients say?
What do patients say?
"My daughter gets excited
coming to therapy. She loves all her therapists and loves interacting
with all the staff."

"I love everybody here.
They are so nice."

"You guys have made such a difference in my son's life. I can tell you love him. We wouldn't want to go anywhere else."​

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